»Per aspera ad astra.«
Attributed to Seneca
(Through hardships to the stars)
Scientia et conscientia • Curriculum vitae • Mission statement

„Scientia et conscientia“
The motto of the University of Augsburg (“Knowledge and Conscience”) is still shaping me to this day. As a lawyer I am acting in the interest of proper administration of justice and striving for a decent treatment of any person by the responsible government institutions.
Only if the administration knows its own healthy limits and boundries and is not always pushing for further governmental powers, people will be really living in a liberal democracy.

.: Curriculum vitae:.
• Born 04/10/1987 in Munich, Bavaria
• Abitur at a humanistic secondary school (Greater Latinum & Graecum)
• Civilian service
• Study of law at the University of Augsburg
• Legal clerkship at the District Court of Augsburg, Higher Regional Court of Munich
• Bar license in the year 2017 and start of professional activity as a lawyer
• Foundation of own law firm in Augsburg in the year 2018
• Member of the Conference of Legal Counsels (Rechtsberaterkonferenz) of welfare institutions and the UNHCR since 2021
• Legal counsel of Caritas e. V. for matters regarding refugees and similar people in need of protection since 2021
.: Mission statement:.

Dedication. For people.
Every person, regardless of being a German citizen, a citizen of the EU or a refugee, has the ultimate right of being treated just and fair.
As it is all too easy to judge people by their small and even their huge mistakes, it is imperative that government institutions still are bound to their own set of rules and are not distracted by “anger and passion”.

If as person is affected by administrative actions, the question of being able to effectively use legal measures to defend against these actions is a question of democracy.
The promise of personal liberty and freedom has to be uphold every day.